
01/06/2015 - 14:30
Ik vind dat er altijd een boodschap moet zitten in wat je doet. Dat komt doordat ik geloof dat ik een verschil kan maken.

Recently, Jaune Toujours frontman Piet Maris was interviewed about his roots, youth and more by De Standaard (Belgian newspaper).

26/05/2015 - 15:45

Piet Maris was interviewed by Metro (Belgian paper), talking about his biggest influences, first album he bought and his favorite concerts.

20/05/2015 - 15:45
Katia en Milka Pohlodkova zijn moderne vertolksters die ver voorbij hun traditie durven te gaan

De Standaard gave Super Diver City four stars today, as well as naming it album of the week!

You can read the full review on their website.

08/05/2015 - 20:30 t/m 30/05/2015 - 22:00
Gala forces audience expectations to the fore, and blurs the lines between failure and success in performance as it suggests that theater is community, both onstage and off. It’s a tour de force, wildly entertaining and truly radical. – The New York Times

(Re)discover Jérome Bel’s declaration of love to the performing arts! 
A colourful mix of dance lovers and professional dancers from diverse genres and cultures perform a veritable New Year’s gala.
But this gala radically questions the codes of the performing arts. 

06/05/2015 - 14:45

The gypsy incarnation that has developed from Jaune Toujours is called Mec Yek and Super Diver City is their latest recording.

Super Diver City contains some musical surprises: twelve tracks, nine particular arrangements of traditional Roma-songs, two songs written by singers Katia and Milka and one Amy Winehouse cover translated into Romanès. All nicely mixed together by Shazalakazoo, leading duo in Balkan Beats from Belgrade, Serbia. Also, against all expectations: Mec Yek is a gypsy band without violin.

It's available through Bandcamp or in our own webshop above.

23/04/2015 - 16:00
Samenwerken met mensen met verschillende achtergronden om iets nieuws te creëren: dat is voor ons de meerwaarde

Brussel Deze Week (now Bruzz) interviewed Mec Yek about their newest album SuperDiverCity and their views on the multicultural society.


25/11/2014 - 15:00

National manifestation November 6, 2014 in Brussels: what you didn’t get to see through the mainstream media.

10/09/2014 - 15:15
Jaune Toujours invited for live session at Cerys on 6, BBC Radio 6

UK calling again! End of May 2014, Jaune Toujours was on ‘World on 3′ at BBC Radio 3, their album latest ‘Routes’ earned 3 stars in the Guardian and 4 in The independent … And now again, they received an invitation to play a live session at ‘Cerys on 6′, BBC Radio 6, September 2014. The 4th BBC session meanwhile for Jaune Toujours in their musical career. The session will be recorded on the 18th of September – Scottish Independence Referendum Day – to be broadcasted on sunday the 21st of September.

Check out the live recording in the clip below!

13/05/2014 - 15:30
The Belgian cult band with its irrepressible sound, a mix of accordion, wind instruments, percussion and voice, exploring contemporary issues with strong social and cultural undertones.

Recently, Jaune Toujours’ latest album ROUTES did pretty well in the UK media, with – amongst others –  three stars in the Guardian and four in The independent. Now, Jaune Toujours has been invited to play a live session on ‘World on 3’ at BBC Radio 3, the 30th of May 2014. This isn’t the first BBC session for the band though: in 2005 they played at the London CBS-studios for BBC icon Andy Kershaw, in 2007 they performed on the BBC stage at the Womad Festival and in 2009 they did another ‘World on 3’ session with their Gipsy incarnation Mec Yek. All the info you need is right here on BBC's website.

09/04/2014 - 16:00

Les Octaves represent a yearly award by the French speaking community in Belgium, given to artists form different musical disciplines. Professionals are responsible for the selection: agents, managers, labels, artists and distributors. Felicitations to winner Jawhar!