Jaune Toujours - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ from Jazzthetik Magazin for Vertigo
“Activists and critical thinkers are often accused of being too serious. But how can you party when you’re carrying the weight of today’s crises? For over 30 years, Brussels-based Jaune Toujours has shown us how—with accordion, brass, and beats, they blend reggae, ska, Latin, and Balkan sounds with a DIY spirit, proving that social critique and rebellion can bring good vibes.”
We’re thrilled with this 4-star review for our new album Vertigo in the latest issue of Jazzthetik (Nov/Dec), featured in the section ‘Die Welt ist eine Scheibe’!
And a heads-up: “While some tracks may lead you to the dance floor, they’re more likely to throw you for a loop. Their single Step on a Crack mixes 17/4 and 11/4 time signatures, making their album title Vertigo feel tangible!”
►Read the full article (in German) by clicking on the pdf on the right.