Sit-Nick in het Maximiliaanpark

SIT-NICK = something in between a sit-in and a picknick
The Plateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiés Bruxelles (The Citizen’s Platform for Refugee Support) invites you to join them in the Parc Maximilien during a day about sharing and meeting each other.
Drivers, civiliantaxi's, hosting families, hosts, anyone who supports, spreads the message and every solidaire civilian: everybody is welcome!
The unique humanitarian movement of the Plateforme citoyenne touches you in one way or another and you want to show that you do not agree with the current migration politics in Belgium and Europe? Are you one of the people asking for a solidair Belgium that respects human rights?
Then be sure to bring your guests, your partner, your children, friends and parentl: Tuesday May 1 between 14h and 22h at Parc Maximilien, in front of Antwerpsesteenweg 59, 1000 Brussels.
14h - reception of the civilians and their guests in the parc (foodtrucks, bouncy castles, mini-soccer, podium, tent, BBQ, ...)
18h - press conference in the parc: presentation of the actions by the Platforme citoyenne (balance + future)
Several activities are foreseen:
- magic
- mini-soccer tournament
- bouncy castles
- street performances
- open Mic / Jam sessions
- ...