Tim Stenhouse from the online magazine and review website UK absolutely loves Qotob Trio's 'Entity' and gave it a wonderful 5 star review!
Check what he has to say about it here!
A very promising review of the new Qotob Trio album 'Entity' by MoorsMagazine.
Read the full review (in Dutch) on the MoorsMagazine website!
Piet Maris did a little Q&A session with gig-blog, announcing the concert at Freunds & Refugees in Stuttgart on July 9. Read the full Q&A at the gig-blog website.
Sound & Image likes the 20sth Collector a lot! Read the full review (in German) on their website.
Another 20Sth review by this time! You can read it (in German) on their website.
A great 4 star review by Howard Male for Songlines!
Robb Johnson wrote an amazing 5 star review for R2 magazine about the 20Sth Collector's album.
"'s an essential, inspirational artefact."
You can subscribe to the R2 magazine on their website.
Announcement in Bruzz (Brussels Media) for Lokale Helden (Local Heroes), a series of concerts throughout Brussels to promote local talent.
For this event Qotob Trio will play a concert in NIC NAC-GC Nekkersdal together with Refugees got Talent.
Robert Denselow got his hands on a copy of the 20sth collector’s album and wrote this great 3-star review for The Guardian.
Read it on their website or by clicking the link on the right side.