“With titles like "Schuimkop" and "Scrambled Ensor", Ostend is completely ingrained in the record and, with some good will, you can also translate "Lacht" as the sound of a seagull skimming by. "Tango Soleil du Nord", in turn, is thoroughly Brussels and with "Mayaaze", the Flemish-Brabander suspects a translation of "“maar ja, hoor" (a Dutch expression of validation). Nobody says "hoor" here, but they do say "zenne" or "zè", but I could go completely off the mark with this. That is not at all the case with this record, which sometimes sounds dreamy and melancholic, sometimes exuberant and even almost festive. In any case: it is proven once again and to excess that we are dealing here with absolute top musicians. One more word: the artwork by Sarah Baur is particularly beautiful. but it always is....”
Thank you and Dany Heyvaert for this lovely - and humorous - review!
You can read it in full (in Dutch) through Here or on the pdf document to the right.
Jaune Toujours Camp Flagey, Brussels - 17/9/23 - Pictures
Journée sans Toiture / Dakloze Zondag: action against the Belgian governmental (illegal) politics towards asylum seekers
Thank you Simon Rowland and RnR Magazine for telling us to make longer albums
You can read it in full on the pdf document to the right !
3'Ain Jazzcafé De Sjruur, Maaseik - 9/9/23 - Pictures by Rick Vink
Robin Denselow gives 3 stars to 3'Ain's album Sea Of Stories!
To read the full review: click on Songlines or on the pdf document to the right.
Ik en den Theo / Moi et le Theo - Rentrées Musicales - Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles - Jemappes
"Their predominantly thoughtful chamber music moves between sensitive melancholy and blissful melody, takes up waltz and tango and pleases with its being indetermined, between folkloristic impression and the openness of jazz"
Thank you JAZZTHETIK Magazin for this review !
Read it on the pdf document to the right.(German)
Throwback to 15 years ago: in July 2008, Jaune Toujours toured Canada for concerts at The Vancouver Island Music Fest, South Country Fair and Calgary Folk Music Festival. The band played four times in Calgary, once in Fort Mac Leod and four times in Comox: 4 concerts, 3 official jams and 2 open workshops (led by Jaune Toujours' musicians). During those 7 concerts and 2 workshops, the band reached an audience of about 15,000 people and 328 CD's were sold at the festivals' official outlets.
Throwback to 15 years ago: in July 2008, Jaune Toujours toured Canada for concerts at The Vancouver Island Music Fest, South Country Fair and Calgary Folk Music Festival. During their visit to Calgary, Jaune Toujours were welcomed by radio station CKUA (acoustic concert and interview at the festival grounds in Calgary). Check the pictures and live footage: Jaune Toujours 'Aire de Rien' live on CKUA Radio!
"It's not easy to classify this special music anywhere. 3'Ain walks in the same twilight zone as the famous American Tin Hat (Trio), with all sorts of interfaces such as classical, musette, jazz and a (in this case) very small piece of folk, but above all very idiosyncratic."
Thank you for this review!
Read it HERE or on the pdf document on the right. (Dutch)