
20/07/2020 - 10:30
"Dit is een zeer interessante eerste EP, zeker de moeite waard om live te bekijken."

"This makes for a very interesting first EP, definitely worth checking out live"

Nicolas Van Belle wrote a very nice 3'Ain review for Luminous Dash Musiczine.
Check out his review (in Dutch) on their website or by clicking on the document on the right.

15/07/2020 - 16:45

3'Ain newsflash at
Check it out here!

15/07/2020 - 15:45

Big thanks to Concert Monkey for featuring the new 3'Ain EP!
Check out to read their feature. 

08/07/2020 - 20:00

3'Ain Balcony Concert at gc De Markten, Brussels. Due to the rain, the event took place inside - with open doors and windows for Covid 19 safety. Big thanks to photographer Jochem Oomen for the beautiful pictures!

24/06/2020 - 11:45
You may be pleasantly surprised!

The highly influential Jazz blog 'Bebop Spoken Here' honoured us with the first 3'Ain review from the UK.
Have a look at their website!

12/06/2020 - 11:45
Van het beste dat er sinds Sexual Healing uit Oostende kwam.

"Of the best that came from Ostend since Sexual Healing."

A first raving review (in Dutch) of 3'Ain's debut EP!


Jordi De Beule wrote the first review of our EP for Jazz & Mo'

"Anyone who has listened to Khaltoum by Ibrahim Maalouf in a loop by now, will surely enjoy the Middle Eastern jazz of 3'Ain. For what a pleasure it is to hear the Syrian trumpeter Yamen Martini!
In 2015 he arrived in Belgium and there he quickly crossed the path of Piet Maris. Since then, the two have worked together several times and when the opportunity arose for a residency in the Ostend arts workshop O.666, they immediately drummed up Otto Kint.
The result is an EP full of atmosphere.

Inspired by the view of the harbour, the opening song, originally written for a short film, gets a firm dose of sailor's grief. And also other songs are often drawn by what the Portuguese call so beautifully saudade.
The boats after which songs like Njord Puffin are named, you can almost hear them creaking and you can see them sailing towards the wide sea - giving and taking.

Thanks to a flawless recording, we get all the subtleties of the interplay of this trio: the full bass sound of Kint, the swelling and dying movements of Maris, the copper breath of Martini. How the latter pierces the silence, at times even reminds us of Soleá by Miles Davis, to name a big shot.

Of the best that came from Ostend since Sexual Healing."

Read the review (in Dutch) on the Jazz&Mo' website

10/06/2020 - 16:15

The elderly residents at Seniorie Bizet in Anderlecht can not receive visitors on a regular basis just yet, so in order to cheer them up a little, their caretakers asked Jaune Toujours to play an open air concert.

Great concert ánd great dancers! 
Have a look at some pictures below.

06/06/2020 - 17:00

We still have to wait for the real thing (live festivals with a live audience... aaah, we'd give anything for that...) but to make up for this year's cancelled edition of Wereldfeest Leuven, we play Wereldfeest Online 2020 with Jaune Toujours! 6th of June 8pm, Belgian Time: Belgian World Music. After Bel Jazz, here's the next hot thing: Bel Mundo!

Watch the full stream on Facebook HERE

During the live stream you can enjoy an eclectic mix of video's, talks and of course music!
The following artists will stream an exclusive concert:

F a B R E C O L L E C T I V.
Gert Kleinpunk
• Wim Solo
Jaune Toujours

Several experts will shine a light on de consequences of the worldwide pandemic and the necessity of worldwide solidartiy.

Hosted by Sarah Bekambo en Lennaert Maes.

Help us save more lives together and make a donation via:

More info:

24/05/2020 - 15:15

Out Of The Box Series: The Rolling Dice
This song was made by Piet Maris, for and inspired by the participants of Den Teirling, a day time activity center in Brussels for adults with psychological vulnerability.
They recorded the song together with the musicians of the house band also called The Rolling Dice.

As of today you can listen to it on Spotify!
Tell us what you think!

23/05/2020 - 16:00

"Alles Normaal" from the album Europeana by Jaune Toujours

What can a band possibly do during this Covid-19 cultural lockdown period, when all concerts are canceled, to make themselves useful?
Play a concert where social distancing can be respected and where the audience is really in need of some diversion.

Listen to the studio version on Bandcamp for free
Watch the music video on YouTube