3'Ain's album Sea of Stories announced on Frontview Magazine

"Op 21 april verschijnt het debuutalbum ‘Sea Of Stories’, opgenomen in de Studio van De Grote Post (Oostende). De muziek van 3’Ain verwijst geregeld naar de omgeving en de sfeer van de plaats waar ze creëren, in de haven van Oostende, vandaar ook de vooruitgeschoven single ‘Scrambled Ensor’."
"On April 21, the debut album 'Sea Of Stories' will be released, recorded in the Studio of De Grote Post (Ostend). The music of 3'Ain regularly refers to the environment and atmosphere of the place where they create, in the port of Ostend, hence also the advance single 'Scrambled Ensor'."
Announcement of the album Sea of Stories by 3'Ain at Frontview Magazine:
To read the full review: click on the pdf document to the right
Monday, March 27, 2023 - 15:00