
20/07/2023 - 17:15
“There is a breath of a breeze, a spicy taste of the East and the hardness of coastal stones scattered here and there”

Thank you Selected goosebumps for this eloquent and poetic review !

Read it HERE or on the pdf document to the right.

06/07/2023 - 12:45
"Jaune Toujours må være Belgias svar på Kaizers Orchestra"

"Jaune toujours seems to be the Belgian answer to Kaizer's Orchestra"

20 years ago Jaune Toujours played the Forde Festival in Norway, as the Belgian participant, delegated by VRT Radio 1, for the EBU (European Broadcasting Union)

They caught quite some attention from the press, with an article in Bergens Tidende, a.o.

To see the full article: click on the pdf document on the right.

28/06/2023 - 15:45
"Arabische Melodien treffen auf Musette-Artige Akkordeonklänge und Contemporary Jazz."

"Arabic melodies meet musette-like accordion sounds and contemporary jazz. "

To read the full review: click on inMusic - Rezension or view photo.

28/06/2023 - 14:30
"Zu hören sind vor allem schöne, langsame Trompetenmelodien, geprägt vom arabischen Raum mit manchmal Musette ähnlichem Akkordeon und der bass schlenzt gegen melodien darunter."

"You can hear mainly beautiful slow trumpet melodies , influenced by the Arabic region with sometimes musette-like accordion and the bass flicks against melodies underneath."

To read the full review: click on Musik Global or view photo.

25/06/2023 - 15:00
"Von jazzigen klängen über orientalische Motive zu Anspielungen auf Tango. Eher langsam, mit grosser Ruhe Beinahe ton für ton umgesetzt. Faszinierend, wie viel mehr sehr wenig sein kann."

"From jazzy sounds to oriental motifs to allusions to tango. Rather slowly, with great tranquility almost implemented tone for tone. Fascinating how much more can be very little."

To read the full review: click on Ohrenschmauch or view photo.

24/06/2023 - 14:15
"There’s an out-of-reach and enigmatic quality to Sea of Stories which keeps you drawing back into its music. A dream-like visual sensibility and the warmth of its harmonies give the music a physicality which virtually lives and breathes."

To read the full review: click on UKVIBE or on the pdf document to the right.

22/06/2023 - 15:00
"Sometimes, perfection can arise out of the stirring together of contrasting genres and ‘Sea Of Stories’ by the Syrian / Belgian trio 3’Ain is one such success."


Justin Turford gives 9.5/10 to 3'Ain's album Sea Of Stories!

To read the full review: click on Truth & Lies or on the pdf document to the right.

22/06/2023 - 13:00 to 14:00

3'Ain's Yamen Martini and Piet Maris were on Music Matters, radio Klara (VRT). They talked with Olav Grondelaers about the new album SEA OF STORIES. And if you want, you can relisten (in Dutch):

pictures by Dries Pauwels (radio Klara) and Piet Maris

16/06/2023 - 13:30
"Ein wunderbares Album! Da kann man nur schweigen und sagen: Hören Sie selbst. Ein Hauch von Musik, die voll und ganz den Anspruch erhebt, Kunst zu sein, und die mit ihrer Essenz die zartesten Saiten der Empfindsamkeit berühren wird."

"A wonderful album! One can only remain silent and say: listen for yourself. A touch of music that fully claims to be art and that with its essence will touch the most delicate strings of sensibility."

To read the full review: click on Jazz Fun or on the pdf document to the right.(German)

02/06/2023 - 15:30
"De combinatie van deze drie instrumenten en de muziek die ze brengen op Sea of Stories - een kruisbestuiving van jazz en geluiden uit de Balkan, het Middenoosten en de Méditerranée - stuurde me meteen op een muzikale herontdekkingstocht."

"The combination of these three instruments and the music they bring to Sea of Stories - a cross-pollination of jazz and sounds from the Balkans, the Middle East and the Méditerranée - immediately sent me on a musical rediscovery journey."

To read the full review: click on Stereotype or on the pdf document to the right (Dutch).