
13/12/2024 - 12:30
"Met ‘Vertigo’ breekt Jaune Toujours opnieuw alle grenzen: een explosieve mix van drum & brass, Belgische ska, punkattitude en teksten in drie talen. Dit album is meer dan muziek: het is een krachtige oproep tot actie en hoop! "

“With 'Vertigo,' Jaune Toujours once again breaks all boundaries: an explosive mix of drum & brass, Belgian ska, punk attitude and lyrics in three languages. This album is more than music: it is a powerful call to action and hope! ”

What an honor!!! Our latest record Vertigo has been nominated for Best Album at the Flanders Folk Awards! 

This feels like wonderful recognition for everything that goes into our music: heart, soul and Brussels vibes. Big thanks to everyone who embraces Vertigo and enjoys our music.

This means so much to us!

10/12/2024 - 15:00
"Die Songs auf dem neuen Album Vertigo der belgischen Weltmusikband Jaune Toujours sind rund vier Minuten lang, durchweg kompakt, rhythmisch und tanzbar, strahlen Freude und Direktheit aus. Die mehrsprachigen Texte sprechen aber auch ernste Themen an. Die Musik weckt Hoffnung, mit eingängigen Stücken, die Punk-Attitüde, Drum & Brass, Akkordeon-Dub und Ska mischen. Die vierköpfige Bläsersektion fügt ein jazziges Flair hinzu, mit kleinen Soli, die gekonnt eingeflochten werden."

“The songs on the new album Vertigo by Belgian world music band Jaune Toujours are about four minutes long, consistently compact, rhythmic, and danceable, exuding joy and directness. The multilingual lyrics, however, address serious topics. The music inspires hope, with catchy tracks blending punk attitude, drum & brass, accordion dub, and ska. The four-piece brass section adds a jazzy flair, with small solos skillfully interwoven.”

Thank you for this review Good Times Magazine ! 

► Click on the image to read the review (In German)

09/12/2024 - 21:15
"Dançando chegamos na Bélgica, para ouvir a Jaune Toujours, uma banda de rock sem guitarras e com o talento improvisado de um combo de jazz com aquele carisma característico de artistas de rua, com reflexões poéticas e pungentes sobre a sociedade. O disco novo se chama “Vertigo” (Choux de Bruxelles) e se apresenta fiel à tradição da banda de romper fronteiras, sejam elas linguísticas ou musicais, com letras em inglês, francês e holandês, com uma atitude punk, bateria e metais, dub de acordeão com pedais de efeito e ska belga."

“Dancing we arrived in Belgium to hear Jaune Toujours, a rock band without guitars and with the improvisational talent of a jazz combo with that charisma characteristic of street artists, with poetic and poignant reflections on society. The new album is called “Vertigo” (Choux de Bruxelles) and is faithful to the band's tradition of breaking down borders, be they linguistic or musical, with lyrics in English, French and Dutch, with a punk attitude, drums and brass, accordion dub with effects pedals and Belgian ska.”

Thank you Mundo Sonoro !

►Listen to Jaune Toujours in the Mundo Sonoro program HERE 

02/12/2024 - 14:45

Vertigo by Jaune Toujours at #15 in the World Music Charts Europe of December 2024! 

(at #15 in November and at #20 in December 2024)

In the select company of artists selected by radio makers from various Europsese countries, on behalf of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

30/11/2024 - 15:30
"Jaune Toujours ist das perfekte Gegenmittel zur Jahreszeit! “ - " Wenn Sie ein Herz für Manu Chao haben, werden Sie hier maximale Freude finden."

“Jaune Toujours is the perfect antidote to the season! “ is what they write in the German music magazine Ohrenschmauch.

And also: " if you have a heart for Manu Chao, you’ll find maximum joy here."

Thank you Ohrenschmauch ! 

► Read the review (in German) by clicking on the  picture

29/11/2024 - 15:15

We're on again in this weeks' Around the World!

► You can listen to the show HERE

29/11/2024 - 15:15

You’ve asked for it, and here it is: brand-new Jaune Toujours merch inspired by Vertigo! 

Sarah Baur reimagined the album cover into a bold, colourful design. We’ve partnered with an eco-conscious textile brand and chosen a print-on-demand process to reduce waste. All items are GOTS, Oeko-Tex, Vegan, and Fair Wear certified.

Available now: T-shirts and hoodies (unisex, men’s, women’s, and kids’ fits) in multiple colours and a recycled tote bag

Celebrate your love for Jaune Toujours while also supporting us! 

Shop now:

22/11/2024 - 13:15
"Jaune Toujours’ Vertigo is turning heads with its bold, eclectic sound. "

Dive into this glowing review by Galgóczi Tamás on (in Hungarian) as he explores the album's dynamic blend of reggae, ska, jazz, and more.

► Read the article (in Hungarian) by clicking on the PDF on the right.

21/11/2024 - 15:00

For lovers of eclectic music on the radio ! 

Thank you, once again, for including us in your show Cliff Furnald !

►Listen to the show again HERE

21/11/2024 - 15:00

Big news for Jaune Toujours!
Our track Dimanche is featured on the complimentary Un-Herd CD included with the November-December issue of RnR Magazine, the best selling eclectic music magazine in the UK.
This playlist showcases handpicked songs from artists you need to know—and we’re thrilled to be part of it!

Grab your copy and let Dimanche brighten your day.