
22/09/2024 - 12:30
"After a six-year recording pause occupied by related projects of the collective created by Maris and his film-maker partner Sarah Baur, Choux de Bruxelles (‘Brussels sprout’), and the difficulties of the Covid pandemic, Vertigo is a musical pinnacle, the arrangements, playing and production more full and powerful than ever."

Vertigo has just received a glowing review from RootsWorld, the renowned world and roots-folk music magazine and radio station based in New Haven, USA! Not only that, we’re honored to be their Music of the Month in October ! 

► You can read it in full  through HERE on the pdf document to the right.

21/09/2024 - 15:00
“Met Vertigo maakt het Brusselse Jaune Toujours na zowat zes jaar nog eens een stand van zaken op van de maatschappij waarin we leven (...) Een mens zou er van beginnen duizelen en dus leek Vertigo ("draaiduizeligheid") absoluut de gepaste titel om de tijdsgeest te vatten.”

"With Vertigo, after some six years, Brussels-based Jaune Toujours once again evaluates the society we live in (...) It makes you dizzy and so Vertigo seemed an appropriate title to capture the spirit of the times."

Thank You !

► You can read it in full (Dutch)  through  HERE on the pdf document to the right

20/09/2024 (All day)

If you would have told Piet Maris that one day he’d be dancing in his band’s music videos, he’d have laughed in your face... Look at him rockin’ it now! 

►We dropped the music video for the title track of our new album Vertigo on YouTube !

♦Filmed entirely on an iPhone SE by Sarah Baur, with a little help from Viggo Maris official—we’re turning into a real circus family these days, pulling off all our homegrown tricks together! 

►The Vertigo album is officially out as of today! Available on recycled vinyl, CD, and digital download—find all the info via this link: 

18/09/2024 - 14:00
De Brusselse band Jaune Toujours brengt vrijdag haar zevende album uit. Met Vertigo willen ze van Brussel en de wereld een betere plek maken, zonder daarmee met het belerend vingertje te wijzen. “Met onze muziek proberen we de mensen hoop te geven in deze wilde wereld.”

"Brussels band Jaune Toujours will release its seventh album on Friday. With Vertigo, they want to make Brussels and the world a better place, without pointing fingers. “With our music, we try to give people hope in this wild world.”"

Thank you to Nieuwsblad for this article about our band Jaune toujours and our new album Vertigo.

► You can read it in full (Dutch)  through  HERE or on the pdf document to the right.

16/09/2024 - 14:45

Every day, from 1pm to 2pm, Pierre Beaudot welcomes an actor or actress from the world of culture in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Today, we meet singer, guitarist and accordionist Piet Maris, member of the group Jaune Toujours.

► You can watch and listen to the show HERE

10/09/2024 - 10:15
"Ondertussen is *Vertigo* uitgebracht als single die zowel de straatsfeer van Parijs en Kingston oproept. Een sleazy skasfeertje met fanfaregeluiden, maar ook On-U-Sound-invloeden en het leven iets minder zwaar maakt."

"Meanwhile, *Vertigo* has been released as a single that evokes both the street atmosphere of Paris and Kingston. A sleazy ski atmosphere with fanfare sounds, but also On-U-Sound influences and makes life a little less heavy."

Thanks Luminous for this article on our new single .

You can read it in full (in Dutch) through HERE on the pdf document to the right.

09/09/2024 - 12:15
"Het nummer combineert aanstekelijke blazers, accordeonriffs en ambienttreingeluiden. De eerste zin van het refrein luidt, vrij vertaald: “de wereld is zo groot dat je ervan duizelt”. De tekst refelecteert hoe weinig evident het is om overeind te blijven in deze tijden, waarin de maatschappij enbij uitbreiding de hele wereld onder druk lijken te staan, maar getuigt toch ook van veerkracht."

"The song combines catchy horns, accordion riffs and ambient treble sounds. The first line of the chorus is “the world is so vast it makes you dizzy.” The lyrics reflect how difficult it is to stay afloat in these times, where society and, by extension, the entire world seem to be under pressure, but they also express resilience."

Thank you Snoozecontrol for mentioning our new single Vertigo and the album release concert at Ancienne Belgique !
For fans of: Manu Chao, Les Négresses Vertes, Dub Inc.

► You can read it in full (in Dutch) through HERE on the pdf document to the right.

06/09/2024 (All day)

Vertigo, the new single and title track from Jaune Toujours’ upcoming album, is OUT!

Featuring catchy horns, accordion riffs, and a powerful trombone solo, this song reflects the dizzying challenges of our times.

Stream it here:

05/09/2024 - 10:30

Behind the scenes of our lo-fi music video shoot for ‘Vertigo,’ the title track of Jaune Toujours’ new album!

Filmed by Sarah Baur, with assistance from Viggo Maris.

The single drops at midnight tonight, and the video follows next week.

28/08/2024 - 11:00

Snaps from our shoot with Ivan Put  ! 

Album drops 20.9, and we’re gearing up for the AB show on 2.10

► ticket link :